Tuesday, August 28, 2007
What?? Did I hear you wrong?
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Mercy Ships
Hello All! Well summer continues to slip away. It is hard for me to believe we are already in August!! Time flies when you are feeding and caring for little people : ) This next week, Thursday, we are off to Texas. I already hear many of you saying " Texas in August, are you nuts?" First let me reassure ya'll, we are sane. The main reason for our trip is quite exciting for our family. We will be attending a week long "Introduction to Mercy Ships" course at the Mercy Ships international headquarters in Texas. Mercy Ships (http://www.mercyships.org/) is a not for profit Christian mission organization that sends large hospital ships to various countries in the world in great need of medical care. We have long been praying and asking God to show us if this is where we should serve in Mission work. We are thrilled to get to Texas to learn more about the process of life as missionaries on one of these ships. We hope this will give us more clarity as far as where to serve. Will Mercy Ships be a good fit for our family? How does life work on a ship for a family six, possibly seven by the time we are ready to commit to serving ? How do you walk away from life as we know it and trust God to provide even the most basic needs? How do you do your laundry?