Without the friends I have made through the Embassy family in Kuwait, I probably would have gone crazy here long ago. These women come from all walks of life, they are different races, religions and all have different reasons to have a connection to the U.S. Embassy. I can't say enough good about these ladies and there families. I am proud to be here in Kuwait with them and I am also thrilled to know that if push comes to shove"they have my back".
This sense of community reminds me of getting close to your fellow church members in the U.S. Baby showers are thrown for people, meals are provided for those in need, we check in on eachother and we know that if there is a need we have a helping hand. I have realized that life in the Foreign Service means making "fast friends". When you move to a new town or state in the U.S. it may take you awhile to find women with similar life experiences and interests. Here you are thrown right in to the mix with groups already meeting and invitations to things abundant. Without these women I would feel even farther away from "home".
Every month in Kuwait the women of our Embassy play BUNCO. You may have played it or heard of it. We have a fun loving group of ladies that chat about frustrations, make jokes and just have a bunch of fun! This has become a real time for me to take a night and just focus on something that can be pretty mindless, rolling dice. It is a time to chat about anything and everything, all while playing the game and sometimes keeping score. Yes, we women can multitask ; )
I would highly encourage you to start a group like this if you are needing a time with other women. It doesn't have to be Bunco, maybe a book club, cooking club, a breastfeeding mothers group or even a teenage parent commiseration group ; ) I know that this time has often kept me sane in some of my darkest moments here. It reminds me I am not here alone and that other women are sharing the same struggles and triumphs of living here.
I am looking forward to our next post of Bamako, Mali! I have made a couple friends there and I am already dreaming of hosting Bunco in my next home. Maybe there is already a group and I can join in. I have gotten quite good at keeping score! Get ready Bamako, here I come and please have the dice ready~
I hosted the last Bunco at my home and it was Easter themed. We all had at least one chocolate bunny : )