Hello All! Well I have many fun pictures to attach to this post today. First, Luke was dedicated in our church on Augsut 26th 2007. We dedicated him to God and we as parents committed to raising him in a Christian home, and the church commits to help our family in this as well. It was a great ceremony. Luke did excellent and he even let our Pastor hold him. We Love you Lukey!!! May God Bless your life and may you always glorify him.
Labor Day was a day spent at our local Lake Michigan Beach. We can walk to this beach from our house. Today though we drove over a street and parked as we were hiking in with lunch, beach umbrella and of course sunscreen. We had a great time of rest and relaxation. The kids could swim all day if given the chance. Actually so could Mommy, I love the water.

September 4th was a big day in our household as well. I turned 32 and we celebrated with Ken and Vera. They made a great meal for us all and included many of my favorites. Deviled eggs and carrot cake to name a few. My Father-in-law even grated the carrots for the cake. Thanks Mom and Dad Briden!!!!

On the 4th Grace had her first day of kindergarten. Unbelievable, my baby a big kindergartner. I am so happy for her, she is one smart cookie, she will excel. But, Mommy on the other hand misses her baby. I have been home with her since the beginning. She is my sweet spirited child who is always ready with a smile. It is sad without my Gracie around. I know, I know there is a season for everything. She has told me she is not ready to go a

Today Faith became a big pre-schooler as well. Another tear filled moment for mommy : ) She was so excited to finally get to go. Rarely now does Faith not get to do things the same as Grace. So to wait a year for school was an eternity for our sweet Faith. When I arrived in the classroom to pick her up she shouted in true Faith style "My Mommy, My best Mommy!"

The picture of the girls by the lighthouse painting is a mural at their school. It reads "Christ Lights the Way." Luke and I had a great morning. He was basking in my undivided attention. He got to ride Sandy the penny pony at Meijer and even got to pick pout a hot wheels car to take home.

Luke is ready though for school, at least in his mind. He kept asking his favorite question " Mom, what about me?" I said don't worry buddy your turn will come. He has also already decided he want s a football backpack. This last picture of Faith is so her, always posing and always making us laugh. Enjoy and may God Bless you all. Love, Crystal