We had a great time this weekend at a six year old birthday party. Our great friends Ken, Tina and Matthew are also our neighbors, fellow Ju Jitsu parents and Ken teaches our children's T-ball team. We were excited to get invited to Matthew's Birthday party at the Ice Skating Rink in Kuwait City. We haven't been skating since we were in Michigan, so we knew the first 30 minutes of skating time would be a big learning curve. Honestly, I was dreading it and had prepared myself for large amounts of whining and frustration. I am so happy to report we had a great time and all the children didn't whine at all! Kelly and I would whine to each other on occasion about how much this was going to hurt tomorrow. After our trip to the ice rink all of our children now want skating lessons. I don't think there is an ice rink in Mali, so sadly no lessons for the next few years. Maybe we could all take up rolling blading as a family? : )