Hello all! That is what little girl's are made of right? We are excited to announce we are having a little baby girl!!!! Today we had our 20 week ultrasound and we got to see the baby, so fun!! The ultrasound was even 3D and that is the first pregnancy we have had that availa
ble. In the picture you can see her head, face and arm up by her face and forehead. Also on her stomach and chest is her umbilical cord. To the right side of her arm looks like a big lump or pillow. That is the placenta. For those of you who like statistics, here is a little fact for you. The chances of having three girls in a row( biologically, of course) are 1 in 8. But that is from the beginning. Each individual pregnancy is is still 50/50. Kelly's brother Kirk and his wife Suzi have four boys that are all biological. So their odds from the beginning were 1 in 16. So out of 8 families only one would have three daughters in a row. That one is us : ) I can't wait to watch chick flicks, drink tea and shop with my girls. Don't worry about Luke, we are certain God wants us to adopt again. I think I am quite excited now for Luke to have a brother from Liberia. That will be a cool bond for them. So God has worked in his way. Let me introduce you to our third daughter, HOPE. Her middle name is still being debated between Mommy and Daddy. Our hope is in Christ and we thank him for Hope is being Fearfully and Wonderfully made!!! God Bless you all and Please pray for HOPE : ) Love, Crystal