Hello All! Well we are back home after a fun filled time in Traverse City. We had a great time!! We swam all the time, picked cherries from the trees and watched a great fireworks display over The West Bay in T.C. We all throughly enjoyed our trip, but now we are back in the hustle of summer life. This week started vacation bible school at our church. I am teaching Kindergarten. I was a good morning, but I feel like we never stopped : ) 
The first photo is of our all American kids on the fourth of July. We loved the fireworks! Although, Faith slept through much of it on Mommy's lap.
We had some of the most fun picking cherries at a Cherry farm on Old Mission Penninsula. the National Cherry Festival started on Saturday the 7th of July. We couldn't think of a more appropiate cherry activity. Fresh cherries sure do taste good! Luke is learning about the pits, some he does swallow. Don't worry they all come out in the end.
We hope you all enjoyed the holiday as well!! I am now even more excited now to dream about owning a cherry farm one day. Who knows, we will wait and see what God has in store for the Bridens : ) Love, Crystal