Hello All! I am sorry this has taken so long to post and we so appreciate all the prayers and thoughts for our family! All is going great in the Briden household : ) Hope Lynn Briden was born at 02:15 am on November 3oth. She weighed in at 8 pounds even and is 20 inches long. Labor went great, not as I had pictured in my mind. But it was the outcome I was most focused on in my mind. A Healthy baby and Mommy, God provided that and so much more. First is a picture of Hope immediately after birth in the warmer. Here is a picture of Hope, Daddy and Mommy right after delivery. I know Mommy is looking kind of exposed, sorry that is one of the best shots we have.
Once again Daddy got to deliver his baby girl. He is an amazing doctor and man!! I am so thankful for him and his calmness during times of stress. He has an amazing way of relaxing and encouraging me. I can't imagine you not being at that end of the bed, Kelly, you are so awesome!! I thank and praise God for you as my husband. We make a great team!!
It was also an added blessing to have my sister in the delivery room with us. She was a great encouragement to me!! Hope Lynn Briden was named after her Aunt Heather. Heather's middle name is Lynn as well and they both shared the same initials at birth HLB. We love you Heather, you are the best sister in the whole wide world!! Not mention the best Cotswolds traveling buddy, ever :)
Here are the Briden four pictured just today. The kids can't get enough of baby Hope. She is so much fun to hold and look at, irresistible to a five , four and two year old. The three older Briden kids were taken care of by Grandpa Burmeister (Grandpa B), my dad. He did a wonderful job with them and we are so grateful to him. The kids love their Grandpa B, he is fun and funny guy. So thank you Grandpa B for all your work and care for the three eldest Bridens.
Thank you again for all the prayers!! we had hoped to have this up sooner, but as I am sure you can imagine we were and are busy with life and our special new addition Hope. She is such a gift and we truly thank God for her safe arrival. God is good to us and we praise him for our little Hope Lynn. More pictures to come soon : ) But for now mommy has two girls that want a snack and one that needs to be nursed. All our thanks again! Love- Crystal