Duncan is a Cairn Terrier(orginally a Scottish breed) that was born and breed in my home state of Michigan. He is my baby and my buddy! I was in love with him immediately and so were the kids. They have been beggin me for a dog for the longest time. Kelly and I both wanted to wait until our oldest two could be trusted with taking the dog outside, feeding it and walking it. They have done excellent with Duncan! They love him so much and I am so glad we brought him into our home. He is such a fun addition to our family. He plays so well with the kids and RARELY nips at them, usually only if there is very high pitched running and screaming. He is learning to sit, fetch and wrestle with out bearing his teeth. He is truly my constant companion and sits with me while I knit, blog, surf the internet and watch TV. Kelly also has his time with "Dunky Do" in the evening when he holds him on his lap.
I am amazed at the Cairn Terrier's tolerance and enjoyment of youn g children. He is a sturdy little man and can hold his own, but he won't get above 20 pounds. He flew over in a soft carrier under the seat in frontof mine and he did great! He has been a trooper getting used to the warmer Kuwait weather. The bane of his exsistence has become all the feral cats that live on our block. He has a bog house to run in and the kids love to run with Duncan : )
If you have any questions about shipping a pet in the cargo hold I am not sure how to do this, because he flew with me. Thank you to Emberwillows Cairn Terriers in Caledonia, MI for trusting us with Duncan! We love our Duncan!!!!!!!