We went on a road trip in the beginning of December through Arabia. It was very interesting. Our stops included Abu Dhabi, UAE; Muscat, Oman; Dubai, UAE; Doha, Qatar; and driving in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was a LONG trip! We had a great time and were so glad we purchased used Zune MP3 players for our children. The Zunes came through for us throughout the whole trip, especially at border crossings while we waited to get approval to go on to our next desitination. The poor men at the border crossings were always confused, if they looked closely at our passports, about the make-up of our family. I am sure they thought, where are these boys from and how did they get into this family? All border guards and personnel were very accomodating and kind, except in Kuwait. After living in Kuwait for over a year now I am comfortable with how they treat me. I was shocked by the kindness and accomodation of the Saudi Arabians, Qataris and Emiraties.
Oman is our absolute FAVORITE place to visit in all of Arabia. It is quaint, uniquely it's own, clean, filled with mountains, and very kind people. In fact we have told all living in Kuwait and around the world to visit Oman if ever they find themselves in Arabia.
Kelly has had some time off from work lately and we have been enjoying the cool weather in Kuwait. The other day the whole family went up to the viewing floor of the Kuwait towers. We are now beginning to check things to do in Kuwait of our list. The kids were able to ride camels at a U.S. army base that we have access to. Now we can also check that off our list ; )
In other BIG news we have gotten our orders for our next post. In late summer of 2011 we will moving to Bamako, Mali. We are so thirlled, as living in Africa is truly a dream. I am already in contact several people in Bamako to learn what to bring and what is readily available. I am excited already with the prospect of seeing Timbuktu which is in northern Mali. Our last six months in Kuwait will be filled with continuing to check "must do" items off our list and preparing to visit our homeland, the U.S. of A : )
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all~~~~~~~~