Hello All! I just wanted to tell everyone we made it safely to England. It has been quite the adventure. When I return I will write more about the fiasco that was the beginning of our trip to England. For now, we look forward to tomorrow ! This picture is my sister, Heather behind the wheel of our rental car. All I can say is, she is my hero!! She drove from London to Winchcombe (about two hours) and she was amazing!!! Driving here is quite exciting and scary. Don't worry, we are still alive : )The next picture is of me in front of our cottage. It is such a quaint and beautiful village. Both Heather and I got separated for our luggage and we have had the same clothes since Friday. So In most pictures of me I am in my red shirt. The good news is Heather's luggage arrived this evening at the cottage and mine is supposed to be arriving at London-Heathrow soon. Please pray that my luggage arrives tomorrow. It is hard to live in the same clothes for days. Don't worry we have been able to wash the clothes. So that has been a
big blessing, at least the clothes are clean. It has been a comedy of errors in many ways. But we push on. Life has given us lemons, now we try hard to squeeze out lemonade. This last picture was taken by me of a neighboring home from our backyard. The roses are just so beautiful! Please pray for us : ) Love you all - Crystal