I am excited to report that very quickly Kelly will return to Kuwait, YAY! It has been an extremely hard parenting journey for me and I frankly am not as nice when he is gone. I feel bled dry. I am up before the crack of dawn, getting the girls on the bus, feeding all the kids, cleaning up, buying things we need for the home because many things are still in Virgina, trying to keep all people happy and not fighting, more meals and clean up, reading a plethora of books, kissing all hurts, bathing five children, helping with homework, completing bedtime routines, making lunches for the next day, and lastly reassuring those nightmare sufferers. I am tired just typing it! We have survived and even thrived in some areas. Overall it went well, do I want to do it all again without help? NO!!!!!
We are in the process of hiring someone to live in our home to help us out. She will function as a nanny/housekeeper. She has her own room and full bath that has a separate entrance. These homes here are enormous! I'll be honest I am still, like a typical American, uncomfortable with the idea of someone I employ living in my home. I am truly fiercely independent, but God and the Foreign Service are changing that. I have had to rely on others to help.
Our host family, the "R" family, has been the best! We can't thank them enough. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty. They have shared tips, tricks and their frustrations so I can learn quickly minus the frustrations. I can't wait to become a host family as well. I know what the concerns are, I have lived them. I am excited to bless someone else as they come to post.
We have settled into a more regular routine and even made friends with the little Kuwaiti boy and his nanny next door. Some of our favorites of late are our weekly IKEA stop to get ice cream cones. The ice cream there is very good and quite reasonably priced per Kuwait standards. The other favorite is Domino's Pizza. Truly a taste of home as it is headquartered in Michigan. I am just positive the sausage on the supreme pizza is pork. Everyone reassures me that it is not. Pork you see is illegal in Kuwait, along with alcohol, and pornography. Chicken hot dogs are good, but just not the same as a juicy Koegel's dog with some mustard and kraut.
Have a great weekend~