Hello and Goodbye All!! This is going to most likely be my last post for a little while. On Friday my sister, Heather and I are off to the U.K. The picture I have posted is the cottage in the village of Winchcombe we will be calling home during our stay. We will primarily be visiting castles, gardens and of course "Birdland" (http://www.birdland.co.uk/) in an area of England called the Cotswolds. The villages are the picture many people have in their mind's eye of the cozy, slow paced English countryside. God willing we will visit places like Sudeley Castle (http://www.sudeleycastle.co.uk/), Warwick Castle (http://www.warwick-castle.co.uk/) and Bath with the famous Roman Baths popularized by the Romans between the 1st and 5th centuries. Both Heather and I are so excited to see all this . Hopefully we will be able to email and maybe even blog while in England. I will blog if at all possible. Please pray for Kelly, his parents and the kids as Mommy has some much needed time away. Kel's parents will watch the kids during the day and Kelly will be on all by himself for the nights and weekends. I am so thankful and blessed to have this time away. Thanks Kelly, Ken and Vera!! So for now Cheerio and please remember us in your prayers : ) Love, Crystal