Hello All! Well today is Grace's first "Snow Day" !! We have been getting hit with many "Lake Effect" snow showers. To learn more about the Lake Effect go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_effectI have posted some pictures of outside around our home to show you all the delightful snow we have received. The snow is delightful on days you don't have to drive in it : ) Today is one of those days, a "Snow Day", YAHOO! Later this afternoon we will head outside to play in it. We have a specific window of opportunity though. Hope has to be napping peacefully. That being said we need to have a record time as far as snow clothes application. Otherwise we may never even get out of the door before Hope wakes up. I have also promised peanut butter cookies and Cocoa for all those souls who don't complain while playing out in the snow. I will post those pictures later : )
Today the kids have been making cards for Grandma and Granddad Briden and Grandpa B. Grace loves to write and to create. Rare is the day that she doesn't ask to color a picture for Daddy. Here is a picture of the girls sitting at our bar creating masterpieces. Luke has been having fun playing with his big sisters. He is always told what he should do while playing and rarely does he disobey those two. If they decide he is a dog, he will become one, panting and all. He is a great little brother : ) 
Hope was smiling at her Daddy this morning while he was drinking his coffee. He loves to hold her and talk to her!! She loves her Daddy, Don't we all!!!! I will try to post snow pictures later : ) Love, Crystal