Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
New Bathrooms, almost completed
Hello All! I wanted to update the bathroom progress. Our friends Clayton and Kristie are updating our three bathrooms for us. They have done an AMAZING job!! Can you believe the first three photos on this post used to be the pink tile nightmare here.
Kristie did all the decorating and our master bath is now a beach cottage retreat. I even have candles, sand and shells. Oh, such luxury :) I LOVE IT!! The last couple pictures are of the half bath on the main level of our home. They updated that as well. It is so warm and fresh. That bath had carpet in it. Let's just say carpet in a bathroom is just plain wrong. Now it has nice, easy clean tile. Thanks Clayton and Kristie!!! More to come- Crystal
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Hello All! We are recovering from a major case of Roto virus that ripped through our home. YUCK!
I didn't want to let Father's day pass without acknowledging three of the best Father's God ever made.
First, to Kelly, you are the Best Dad!!! You are always patient, kind, full of fun and adventure. You love God and teach your children this daily, you are my hero!!! I am so blessed to have you as the father of our children. You inspire me daily to be a better parent!!! I love you, Kel!! Nextly, to my Dad, you are so special to me. I am so thankful to you for who you shaped me to become. Thanks for ALWAYS working hard for me and our family to provide for us. Thanks for all your love and humor throughout the years. You are loyal and reliable, I can always count on you for help or encouragement. You have become one of my best friends!!! We probably never thought that would be the case during my high school years : )
Lastly but not least, Dad Briden. I love this guy!!! As I do all the Daddy's I named. But, I became "his" later in life, so we have a special bond. He has always been a generous, loving and patient Father-in-law. He has even grocery shopped for me before, what a Dad! He can always make me laugh and I love that. You are the best, Ken, I love you!
Happy Father's Day to you all!!! I love you and thank God for each one of you. ~ Crystal
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Hello All! I hope you are all doing great and enjoying summer as much as we are. Luke and Faith were having fun last week while eating an Icee popsicle. We are huge fans of the "BEE Movie". We have all enjoyed the humor in it. It is funny for kids and adults. In the video clip Luke and Faith share their favorite line in the movie. The character's voice is Chris Rock and he plays a Mosquito. He meets up with Barry the Bee (Jerry Seinfeld) on a truck windshield as the humans are spraying on wiper fluid and the wipers are flinging off the bugs and says " Stick yer head out the winda, How much do you people have to see anyway?" If you haven't seen this one you should!!! If you have you may appreciate the humor. If nothing else I thought I would share some video of our two sweet middle kids.
Grandma and Granddad Briden send us cute gifts periodically. They are two of the BEST grandparents God ever made. This week we received a gift of marshmallow candy ants in an ant farm looking package. The coolest part of the gift is we just started our own real ant farm and Grandma and Granddad did not know how appropriate this gift would be. So the kids were able to munch on the marshmallow ants while watching our new pets tunneling away. Summer is definitely here. We LOVE bugs!!! Have a great night and don't let the bed bugs bite : )
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Happy Hope
Hello All! Here is our sweet Hope enjoying life. She loves her "Bumper jumper". She bounces in that while Mommy prepares any meal. You can say to her to "jump, Hopey" and she will comply. It is so amazing to me how babies understand language before they can speak. The next video was taken this evening. She had grabbed my cheek quite hard while I was holding her on my lap and I said"Ouch". She thought that was just THE funniest word. I love how babies, at times, can seem frightened of their own laughter : ) Enjoy and God Bless- Crystal