Hello All! We had an amazing fun family time at the river. We stayed right on the White River near Hesperia, Michigan at a Cottage that a family from our church owns. We are so thankful to them for the special time away. Bob and Lynn, thanks for the great family getaway : ) We went canoeing, kayaking, trapped Crayfish, ate Crayfish, fished for Bluegill, swam, caught frogs, sat and enjoyed the view and most importantly enjoyed our time together. We also really loved having our nieces Val and Maddi with us for the weekend. We love you girls!!! Enjoy the photos, but as always the photos don't do it justice. We feel in love with the river, God is so good!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Life on the River
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Time to Reflect
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hello All! I am sorry I have been absent for quite awhile now. I have been busy, busy, busy with preparing for our Church's VBS and teaching one of the kindergarten classes this past week. I am so tired I feel like I could sleep for days : ) It is amazing how 15 kids going into kindergarten can totally exhaust one adult. It is also interesting how my own kids seem so easy to care for tonight after this past week. Overall we had a great time and I am a good tired. This was Luke's first year at VBS, he did great. The first day he even came home and told us the scripture he learned that day correctly!!! He is such a smart mini man. Faith was in my class and was excited to make a new friend. Grace was in the first grade class and she has all the scripture memorized and all the praise song dance moves down. She can't stop singing, none of them can : ) We have the music CD of praise songs from "SonWorld Adventure Park" in the "Bus". Now there is no end to the rocking times. YAHOO!!!! CHOOSE JESUS : ) Keep watching the blog, some exciting news to come-Crystal
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Family Fun
Hello All! Well we just enjoyed a recent visit from many in our family. Kelly's brother, Kirk and sister-in-law, Suzi came to visit with all the Briden boys. Parker, Trent, Chad and Kirk appear to be growing and changing by leaps and bounds. We were so blessed to get to see them, they are turning in to wonderful young men!!!
We LOVE you Missouri Bridens!!!!! Thanks for coming to Michigan and for all the fun and laughs : )We also are blessed to have our two nieces in town. Kelly's parents rent a home close to us during the summer months. Ken and Vera may think Michigan has summer weather all the time. Boy, they would be disappointed in February. Valerie and Maddi have come to stay with Grandma and Granddad for a little while this summer. I am excited to have the girls so close and we get go to VBS together next week, FUN! Val and Maddi are also becoming lovely and sweet young ladies! Val is also a great help to Aunt Crystal : ) We are so glad to have you back G-Ma and G-Dad!
We had so much fun, we swam in Lake Michigan, we hiked a sand dune and we laughed until our sides ached. Chad, remember "The Towel of The Dominican Republic"? We love you all!!!!! Here are some photos of our fun. Love, Crystal