Hello All! Today has been a good day considering it is a Monday. I am not one to complain, but some days seem longer than others. Monday and Tuesday are consistently my long days. It is hard to start the weeks activities all again after enjoying the weekend together with My Bunch. I have to admit this past weekend was even hard as it was rainy and we were trapped in the house due to rain.
We decided to take a walk/bike ride to the "Slurpee Store" on Saturday morning. As we were walking (Kel and I were walking, the kids were riding) Kelly said " Crystal, why don't you walk back and get the van. It sounds like the thunder is getting closer and closer." I'll admit, I didn't totally agree with him. Something inside me said "go, don't question him. Just GO!" Off I went speed walking for the van as Kelly heads in the opposite direction to the slurpee store with all five kids. On my walk home I was able to pray and listen to the birds. I don't know that Kelly's walk was as relaxing as he had to listen to training wheels grinding on the pavement. I make it home, grab the van keys and head off to the slurpee store. As I pull up and hop out of the "Briden Bus" I feel drops hit my back. Kelly is in the store with the twins in their double stroller and the Big Three shopping for a snack. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, by the time the bikes were loaded and all five kids strapped in Slurpees in hand, the rain starts pouring down. Then it didn't stop for the whole weekend.
It is strange how you get so used to the sunshine that you forget how rainy days can affect your mood. I am trying to think of the positive, "April Showers Bring May Flowers". I guess the take home lesson for me, in the future do not question Kelly's meteorology expertise. The photo at the top of the post of of sweet Hope from a few months back, she was just having a bad day. Doesn't she look so pathetically sweet , though. God Bless you all this Monday~