Tonight I have hope, that Timothy will come home, that we will get more news tomorrow and that my hope is in GOD alone!!! God is so good not to tell us what we will go through in the process of being obedient to him. If we had known this adoption would have these twists and turns we most likely wouldn't have done it. Please continue to pray for our family. Kelly has been gone since the 5th of September and to say he is missed is a HUGE understatement. I think separation is good for a marriage now and then. I have realized how much Kelly does around this house to make my job easier. He is an excellent father and husband!!!!!! I am glad though that God has taught me through this to rely on him. He alone has gotten me through some hard days without my "better half". I keep asking myself, "What is one persons life worth to God?" The response I here from my creator "Alot, I died for you. Each life means that much to me." So for now our family is separated by many miles. But Timothy's life is worth that and so much more to our family. More importantly his life is precious to God!!!! I will post news as soon as I here more. For now please pray for Timmy and Kelly to be on a plane ASAP!!!! Love ~ Crystal