
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Timmy!!

Hello All! First let me say, Happy 2nd Birthday to Timothy!!!! We don't know for sure when he was born. In Uganda ,as in most of the rest of the world, most people don't know there birthday. This is his day now and we will embrace it! Timmy, you are a special little guy and we praise God for adding you to our family!! We are excited to see how you change this next year. You are a true blessing and our son that grew in our hearts. We love you so much and we hope you have a great Birthday : )

If you have followed my blog for long you will know I did not vote for our new President Obama. I disagree with him on many large issues. One of the largest is the issue of LIFE, I am a committed Pro-Life supporter. I believe a society is defined by how it treats it's weakest and "unvalued". But, I digress. This post is about positive changes and exciting times! Today as I snuggled my oldest son, Luke, and watched our amazing Democracy peacefully change leaders I was brought to tears. Luke was watching with me and of course he cannot totally understand the magnitude of what occured by President Obama taking office. He said without any prompting "Mommy, he is brown like me and has black hair like me." I said "Yes, Luke he is brown like you and he is our new President, Barack Obama." Next was the line that made me cry, "Mommy, I want to be Barack Obama" He stated enthusiastically. I said through tear filled eyes, "You can't be him Luke, but you get to be Luke Briden and you can be the BEST Luke Briden ever made! You can do anything God calls you to do Luke!" Then in his sweet quiet Lukey way he said, "I will , Mom" I know for my son, Luke, he cannot be President of this great land. He was born in Liberia, so as our laws are currently he could never even run for the Presidency of The United States. This is a day though for both my sons to reflect on as they learn and understand the history of our nation. I am thrilled that our country has come to this point in history. We will be praying for the Obama's and this great nation God has blessed us with. I am so glad my sons look nothing like me, I am so glad God has blessed me with a peek into other racial perspectives and I am thrilled today that Luke can be who God calls him to be. Who knows he could be Secretary of State someday. He would be a good Diplomat. He is gentle and loving with his siblings. Maybe though, he and Faith should not work together in Adulthood: ) They are sort of like Oil and Water, they don't mix!!!

May God continue to bless our country and may his will be done in President Obama! Love, Crystal