Hello All! I have been wanting to post this for quite some time, but I wanted a free moment to compose my thoughts on this before sharing it on our blog. My father in law is my hero! He is a man of many talents, he can read to grandchildren with a comforting Texas drawl, he can redirect an argumentative four year old, he has raised four wonderful children, he has been married for 43 years, he is a talented musician and a gifted author. He has accomplished something I only dream of. He has written two Historical Fiction novels. Both novels are based on the life of the first Briden descendant to come to America from Germany. The novels chronicle the events of Henry (Heinrich) Briden as he leaves Germany the only home he has ever known. I would highly recommend reading these books as they are extremely well written and researched. I have so enjoyed the history of Texas and her people, immigrants from many lands. I am so proud of my father in law, he is amazingly gifted!!! Dad Briden, what can I say you are the best! You will always have my respect and love : ) If you would like information on ordering this series written by Kenneth J. Briden, please email him at kenandvera2@msn.com
Blessings to you all~Crystal