Good Morning! This morning as I was awoken by a hacking 21 month old, I was able to contemplate certain things about my life. I have been struck lately by the image of a "White Washed Tomb". Jesus spoke to the Pharisees about tings they needed to make marked changes on in Matthew 23. In verse 27 Jesus says exactly this
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."
I cannot help but think of the ways I am truly a "whitewashed tomb". I appear just fine on the outside, but cleaning from the inside out is really where the eternal struggle lies. I am praying now that I am a witness to all I come in contact with, of Christ's love, grace, forgiveness and redemption.
Am I a hypocrite, yes. Am I a a liar, yes. Am I a gossip, yes. Do I place other things (Idols) in my heart before God, yes. Am I selfish, yes. But, I see now that life in Christ truly takes a lifetime. He is refining me slowly and patiently. The things I once valued hold no value to me as he daily renews my mind. I pray as I go to places far from the U.S. that I am transformed on the inside, as this is truly what matters to God and is eternal. My body may be slowly decaying and dying, but inside I am becoming white as snow. A better analogy would be I am becoming a butterfly. The Chrysalis would be considered pretty normal by most people, commonly even missed by most. When the process of changing from a a Caterpillar to a Butterfly is complete, no one can question what has taken place inside. I pray this is my life for you, Jesus! May you alone be glorified in my life!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Good Morning
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Busy is an understatement
Hello All! I'm sorry I have not posted to our blog in over a week. To say that I have been busy would be a huge understatement!! We are working hard to prepare everything first for our move to Washington D.C. Washington is most likely not our first posting, so I have to think ahead to our more permanent destination. It is amazing all the things you must take into account before moving to another country.
Here a just a few thoughts I am currently contemplating today. Where will I get diapers? Can we give away all our coats that are great in Michigan come January, but aren't needed unless we end up in Moscow? What about Christmas presents, do I try to bring some? Can I get good coffee there? Can I have my coffee shipped? What about my coffee maker? How does one dress modestly in a Muslim country? I think I do dress modestly, how much more can one cover in 120 degree heat? Should I bring my treadmill? (It weighs a TON) Can I get to a gym to walk on a treadmill? Does the Embassy compound have a swimming pool? How does someone who's people have been Northerners for generations fair in the Desert? Can I get good coffee? What kind of birds do will they have in _______? Can I get a good coffee maker? Yes, I do think about coffee often!
We have our pack out date. On September 8th a majority of our earthly possessions will go into storage in Washington D.C. Some of it will come out when we are assigned a post and then travel to our new home. We are allowed 7200 pounds of HHE (Household Effects) as the post will be furnished. I have to go pack and organize! I will post again soon~
Friday, August 14, 2009
Party time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
D.C. here we come!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Blessing of Family
I am sorry I have been away from the blogosphere for some time. I have had many family guests in our home over the last week. Kelly's brother, sister and many of our nieces and nephews have been visiting us in Michigan. We have been blessed with fun family times eating ice cream and smores : ) AHHHHH......... Summertime! I will be back soon with an update as far as all that is happening in our home as we prepare to make the biggest move of our life. This sweet smile is post smore party. Blessings to you all as you enjoy the last beautiful days of summer~