Hello All! This weekend Rick and Kristin (My baby brother and sweet sister in law) are hosting a going away party for us. I am very excited to get to see a majority of our family before we take off for D.C.
This was the neat invitation that Kristin created for our send off. Great job, Kristin and thanks for thinking of us!!! We love you so much and will miss you all terribly. We appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness!!
It is still somewhat surreal that we are going to be oceans away from our extended families. I wonder who will come to visit and what will happen here in the U.S. while we are away. I wonder what perspective of the world my children will have. What perspective will they have of the United States? They will most likely be hearing another language most of the time while we are going through our normal days. They will become Third Culture Kids (TCK). I have been reading this book and trying to prepare for the unique challenges TCKs face. TCKs are commonly Missionary kids, children of men and women serving in our Armed forces, Diplomat kids and more commonly now with the world becoming a global marketplace, American children who's parents are working for businesses abroad.
Our family is already "different" from our home cultures perspective. Now we will increase the different quotient. I can hear someone asking Luke someday, "Wait, your sisters are obviously white, you speak Spanish and your parents home is currently in Bangladesh?" That would confuse almost anyone, eh? But I feel like if you are going to be "different" you might as well go all the way, right? People stare at us currently in the U.S., imagine the stares in Kuwait! I am up for the challenge, God has truly prepared and groomed me for this. With His help, I feel I am up for this challenge and lifestyle. Will it be hard, yes! Will it be exciting, yes! Will it be tiring, yes! Will it be FUN, YES! Please remember us in your prayers as we tackle this new lifestyle and a major transition, thanks!
In other exciting news I got my Birthday and 10 year Anniversary present today. Here is a picture of my "Mommy Chair", I love it!!!!!! It is a Devonshire chair from Ethan Allen and it is covered in the fabric "Reef Espresso". I have wanted a "Mommy Chair" for m
any years. My feet rarely touch the ground in big rocker recliners and I can't stand that! It makes me feel like a child when I sit there my legs hanging in the air. I am not a diamond lady, this is my treat, "The Mommy Chair" : ) I am sitting in it no as I type, it is like a little bit of heaven! Thanks, Kelly for the best gift ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to go organize and pack for our trip to Kalamazoo. God Bless your weekend~