Hello All! It is hard to believe our time here in West Michigan is coming so quickly to a close. Our plans changed and now I feel like time is moving in fast forward. When Kelly first accepted the RMO position we had decided I would stay back in our home in Michigan with the kids and let them begin school here. We did not know at that time that the training for Kelly would be much longer than we originally thought. The total time will be about ten weeks! That is too long for us all to be away from Kel. We are soon to be off to Washington D.C. and the beginning of this new chapter in our lives! I am frantically organizing, making lists on paper, making mental lists (that sometimes I just can't find in my mass of little gray cells), buying summer clothes on clearance to outfit the family at our first post, giving away tons of stuff we have no need for anymore and trying to keep the house clean enough just in case it needs to be shown to perspective buyers.
We have been told from Kel's medical director where we are MOST LIKELY going to be spending our next few years. I won't share it, yet. But let's just say we are cashing in big on after summer sales as we are headed to the land of eternal summer heat. That is a big bonus! At Kohls yesterday my receipt said I saved more then I actually spent. I know, I know everything is always "on sale" at Kohls. Still it felt good to know I will be wearing these new summer clothes at Christmas time. I feel like for once I have beaten the system, or at the very least used it to my advantage.
This weekend My brother, Rick and sister in law, Kristin are hosting a going away party for family honoring us (Thank you so much you two, we love you!!!). I am very excited to see everyone, but I don't like to say goodbye. It is easier for me at to think I will see them soon, or to pretend we will be together at Thanksgiving when the snow begins to blanket the state of Michigan. Deep down I know I am lying to myself, but it helps to ease the loss and pain. Who am I trying to kid? I won't be seeing snow for a long time!
Being in transition is hard, painful and exciting all at once. I wish I could pack each one of my special friends and family in my HHE (Household Effects). I would love to have you shipped to our first post! Please remember that we love you all and you will always have a place to stay in .......................... wherever in the world we live. I am off to sort and fold laundry. Blessings to you today~