While most of you were sleeping we here on the other side of the globe were up and out. I was determined today to go to a place call Lulu's Hypermarket down off the Fourth Ring Road, because I had heard there is a Plant Souk there. I have wanted plants since we arrived. But alas, things that were higher priorities got in the way of me finding something beautiful to add color to our home. I found my way to the Fourth Ring Road and drove until I saw the huge Lulu's hypermarket sign. Beyond Lulu's is the Plant Souk. I drive by and found a shop I liked so I stopped. I bartered at first unsuccessfully. The key is you have to be able to walk away, right? That is exactly what I did do. I think the gentlemen bartering with me thought I was sold. To his dismay, I moved down to the next shop.
I bartered there for a Bougainvillea tree. I have ALWAYS wanted one, it is much to cold to grow one in Michigan. I would always see them while vacationing in warmer states and think "I wish we had those back home." I know for you Californians and warmer weather people this plant may not seem like a big deal as they are all over. But to someone who has never cared for one and always envied them, I was excited to see some small trees planted in pots. I went to barter and the gentlemen asked immediately "from U.K. or U.S.?". I of course answered him and thought I guess my cover is blown, now I will get the American price!! I got him down to 5 KD (Kuwaiti Dinars) which is about 20 U.S. dollars. I was satisfied and I had him carry it to the back of the "Blue Bomber" (our mini-van) and we were off to the Hypermarket. What is a "hyper" market? Luke stated "you must have to be hyper to go in there" After considering that I immediately knew if that was the case we were in good company : )
We ate at McDonalds, and we all survived without any major incidents. We all really like the chocolate milk box, as we don't have those in the states. After we got ice cream from a local vendor outside the Hypermarket. Timmy proceeded to dump all the ice cream from his cone on the floor. He was fine with it. After I pantomimed to the man that it was on the ground and he should come and clean it before someone slipped on it. I added a tiny bit of Hope's ice cream to Timmy's clean cone. He was happy to have that, but he really doesn't like ice cream. It is too cold for him. He wants to like it and knows his older siblings do, so he always acts like it is the best while licking it very gingerly and then eventually it is all mushy and it gets thrown away. By the time the ice cream was finished, Timmy was still holding his mushy cone with a majority of the ice cream left!
We made it back home before the noon rush of people leaving the mosques. Today was a victory indeed, I don't mind stretching my comfort zone. I just don't like to be forced to do it too quickly. I am getting used to this being home, what fun we had today!! Have a great Friday~