Hello All! Well our baby boy turned three yesterday. I can't believe he is such a big boy now. Today we had our family party and the theme was, you guessed it, pirates. Luke recently got a pirate costume from our friends so he was able to dress the part today. We decorated the table with a treasure chest, skeleton and even some of his sisters priceless jewels.
Luke is a huge blessing to us and we thank God for making him. He has been a part of our family now since he was seven months old. His "Gotcha" day is September 29th 2005. He has grown and thrived in our family. He is a patient little brother, a protective big brother and loving son. He loves to laugh and his laughter is always contagious. I am so proud of him. God has taught me so much through my relationship with Luke. I pray I am a good mommy to him. Luke loved playing the part of the special birthday boy in his costume. He was even shooting a canon at daddy at one point during the party.
Our dining room table with the buried treasure. Note Luke in the background coming to get his hands on the treasure.
Let him eat cake : )
Scurvy Pirate, Lukey B. No, he doesn't really have scurvy, he loves oranges : ) This is just his stage name.
Luke and his two older sisters. The girls got their hair cut today. Cute, Cute, Cute!! Thank you God for Luke!! Please bless his next year and keep him safe in your will. Love you all- Crystal