
Friday, February 29, 2008

Needing a Break

Hello All! I am excited to post this. We are going away for a few days next week and we need it. We are off to Wisconsin Dells. The Dells has the first indoor water park in the U.S. Now for us in the North they have become hugely popular. When you have been inside for so long, all you want to do is burn some energy and feel warm again. Kelly has a medical conference at the resort we are going also. That makes this trip both work and play : )

We are staying at the Wilderness resort ( and we will be swimming like mad. This resort even has a giant domed indoor wave pool. I am sure we will get to post some fun pictures of our water babies. Tomorrow Kelly is taking our three oldest to the circus. They are giving Mommy and Hope time at home to clean, pack and rest : ) Watch for more pictures to come. Love, Crystal