Hello All! I can't believe it my little freckle faced girl is seven years old. Wow, I have been a mother now for seven years and nine months. Grace has been a joy from the moment she entered this world. She wouldn't cry and made the nurses slightly nervous. I will never forget the first night I spent with her in the hospital. She stayed awake and looked around most of the night. She slept next to me all bundled up in the hospital bed. Daddy slept in an uncomfortable recliner snoring peacefully. I could hardly sleep, my emotions flew from giddy with excitement to scared out of my mind. I felt a huge sense of responsibility for this little life God had given to me to raise. Would I be a good mom? Grace made parenting easy. I thought I was so good at it with her. She was calm, compliant, and happy all the time!!!! She was the reason we tried for number two so quickly. Gracie, you will always be my baby : ) No matter where you go, what decisions you make or what you do with your life I will always love and adore you!! I feel for you often that you got the "starter" Mommy. I was just learning to be a mom and let's face it, I didn't know as much as I thought I did. You have taught me so much and I thank God for you!!!!! You are beautiful Grace, on the outside and most importantly on the inside. You love God and he is so proud of you. The inside is what matters, sweet Grace : ) Happy Birthday and I love you~ Mommy
~PS~ Pictures of Grace's B-Day party soon to come, she had a Masquerade Ball party~