
Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, LUKE

Hello All! February for the Briden Bunch moves from one family holiday to the next. Today our first son, Luke turns 4 !! Happy Birthday to Luke the Duke : ) Luke, you are such a blessing to us all. I can't imagine my life without you. You are a sweet little man, patient, funny and an awesome big brother. I praise God that he made you and added you to our family!! You are a little boy that loves God and loves others. You ask to see the country of your birth, Liberia. I hope someday to take you there. You tell me daily I am beautiful, a good "cooker" and a great snuggler. I love you my son and so does your daddy, we always will. You are so much like your father in many ways and it is neat to watch you become like him. You are patient, FUNNY, gentle and love to laugh : ) My favorite thing you say lately is when playing a game you will whisper to me " Mommy, I will win this game for you!" The girls have NEVER said this to me. You are all boy, full of chivalry and honor. I love you buddy!!!!!! Love and Hugs~ Mommy