Hello All! We are so glad that the weather has changed here in Michigan. Recently we had to end of the year programs at the Lutheran school where Grace, Faith and Luke attend. Luke had a wonderful pre school program with singing and receiving a special photo memory book from his awesome teacher, Mrs. J. We love you so much Robin, Thanks for loving our Luke!!!!! Luke is pictured below with Mrs. J on the night of the program.
Faith had her kindergarten graduation as well, she did great!! She and her class sang, read scripture and acted out skits. I am amazed that our second daughter is getting so old, here comes first grade!!! Faith's teacher Mrs. S is also a gift from God, we love you Jean and we thank God for you and your strong Christian witness to our children!! Faith is pictured reciting her scripture and holding her flower after the performance.
Lastly, are things I have spotted up in our trees of late. "The Big Three" loved climbing this tree tonight out in our woods behind our home. They were having a great time in it. They pretended it was a fort, "tree-school" and a ship of some sort. They kept saying "don't you just love nature, Mom?!!" Tomorrow is all planned out already, they will come home from school and head back out to "tree-school" to play. What a blessing warm weather is!!!!
We also have a Cardinal's nest in a large shrub/tree on the side of our house. I was thrilled that Kelly found it!!!! Most of you already know I a huge bird lover and any chance to peek into their world just delights me. This is a picture from the nest this evening. Praise God for his creation, new life springs forth in his time.
Lastly, I have a SECRET : ) It will be revealed in about a month or so until than stick with me, it will be worth the wait!! Just to stop this rumor immediately, no I am NOT pregnant and we are not currently adopting again. Blessings to you all~