Yes, it is the month for celebrations in our home! Last week we were excited to celebrate our first son, Luke's birthday. Luke is now a big five year old! I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday we were picking him up the airport in Chicago to bring him into his home and family. He was a little guy for seven months. He would drink 15-16 ounces of formula the first few weeks. He got bigger very quickly and now compared to that little baby we met for the first time in September of 2005, he is downright huge.
Luke is fun, very funny, full of questions, has a sweet heart, is very inquisitive and very kind to his siblings. He reminds very much of his father. He is VERY patient. He has the ability to entertain Hope and keep her happy for longer than even myself. I think he will become an Engineer or a Physician. He tells me he wants to be a Doctor, but he is determined to figure out how everything works. On a carousel ride, recently, he was engrossed by the workings of the machinery. Most children are just enjoying the wind in their hair while waving to family members. Luke is determined to understand the inner workings of the machine.
Luke, I cannot believe you are five years old! Time has gone so fast! You are a charmer my son and you have won my heart. You are often the first here in Kuwait to greet all the locals with an "A Salaam Alakum" (Hello). I am proud of you as you become a young man. You are very chivalrous to me and your sisters. You look out for us as a man should. You are commonly holding doors for me, pulling out my chair and bringing me an endless supply of coffee and diet coke : ) You are one of the least lazy people I know. You are always willing to help, even if that means climbing six flights of stairs in order to do so. You have started Ju-Jitsu and have had the instructors(Senseis) laughing out loud. People always say "Luke is quite a character!" I totally agree a character that I absolutely adore.
Keep asking questions, Luke. Don't ever stop thinking about the how and why of all situations. You are so amazingly gifted! You are also very inquisitive when it comes to all things spritual. Before we moved to Kuwait, you asked "Mom, do we have to worship their God?" You think so far ahead.
I am so blessed to have you as a son! Thank you for being such a sweet, loving, forgiving son. You are the best son we could have ever dreamed of, you are so special to us all. Though you do not look like your father and I we know that families are made up of more than flesh and blood. They are made up of love for each other, commitment to one another and dedication to all the members. My prayer is that we reflect each other where it counts, in the heart. I pray commonly that the desires of my heart are God's. I know back in 2004 when your father and I started the adoption process that this was God's desire placed in our hearts. You being in our family is his desire for us and you, Luke. God has changed me so much through your addition to our family. Luke, I pray that you seek God with your whole heart, that will always know that we (your family) love and treasure you and may you always reflect your father's (both earthly and heavenly) heart. You are going to do great things for God, Luke. I praise God that I was blessed with the privilege of becoming your mother!!!! Love and Hugs~ Mommy
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Happy Birthday, Luke : )
Sunday, February 21, 2010
National Day and Liberation Day
This coming weekend The State Of Kuwait will be celebrating two holidays. The first is Kuwait's National Day. On February 25, 1961 Kuwait gained it's independence from the British and became an independent nation.
On the 25th of February 1991 the Kuwaiti Emir was restored to power after seven months of Iraqi occupation.
The Liberation Tower is the tallest structure in Kuwait. Construction of the tower commenced before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. It was meant to be called The Kuwait Telecommunications Tower.
When the invasion took place, construction, which was almost half-way complete, was put on hold. However, the structure received no damage, and construction resumed after Saddam Hussein's forces were expelled on February 27, 1991. Upon completion in 1993, the tower was renamed the Liberation Tower, symbolizing Kuwait's liberation from Iraq.
The tower contains a revolving restaurant and observation platform (in the first disc-shaped pod; now closed to the public for security reasons), and also houses radio and other telecommunications offices. The structure stands at 372 meters high (1,220 ft) at its pinnacle. The roof of the second pod on the tower is 308 meters high (1,010 ft). *** Information taken from Wikepedia
Kuwait flags are proudly displayed all over Kuwait City. Many homes have red, green and black lights which are the colors of the flag decorating their homes. Apparently it is a large celebration for the Kuwaitis. We are excited to watch and listen to the celebration from the safety and comfort of our home. We have been told to stay at home as the common thing that Kuwaitis do to celebrate their independence and liberation is to spray large amounts of "silly string" at other people and their cars. What an interesting way to celebrate, it reminds of toilet papering when I was in high school. Don't worry, we will be in our home with our own "silly string". We look forward to having a five day weekend together, I better stock up on groceries now!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Happy Anniversary~ 10 years
It's hard to believe that ten years ago, Kelly and I were married. It was a cold day in Michigan and we had quite a bit of snow on the ground. We were both so happy to be together, until death do us part. What a fabulous beginning!
I am so glad we are not newlyweds anymore. I love him so much more now! We are family now, we work as a team, we truly know each other. I never would have guessed on that cold day in East Lansing, that we would be living in Kuwait when we shared this anniversary. Kelly did tell me we would be living internationally at some point. I always assumed we would be in Africa doing some sort of medical mission work. Never the Middle East with my own Abaya!
I love you, Kelly! You have my undying respect. Thank you for giving me that pre-employment physical back in 1998. I praise God for bringing us together, the California dude with perfect English (HA!) and the small town Michigan gal who can at times speak through her nose : ) Our children will be such a mixture of Michigan, California, Missouri, and the world. Thank you for asking me to be your best friend, your cheerleader, the mother of your children, the lover of your soul and your travel companion! You are my hero, Kelly and you are will always be my one true love. Love you, Dude~
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy Birthday Grace!!

Friday, February 12, 2010
The Friday Market
The Friday market is something that is not to be missed if you visit Kuwait. Our visit there was great fun. We went there to look at birds. Kelly had visited the day before and shared with me he had found a pet for me, a hawk. In Kuwait people enjoy the sport of Falconry or Hawking.
This is fascinating to me because I am in awe of birds of prey. I can be commonly spotted looking up the skies at hawks, eagles and falcons. I had thought falconry would be a neat skill to learn.
The Bunch really enjoyed the Friday market. There are all sorts of pets and animals there. They were able to pet and touch many different things. The favorite was the chicks that were dyed pretty Easter colors. Poor little chicks were not the same after we stopped by to greet them. I think Hope thought they were Marshmallow Peeps. We had to explain to her, "you can't eat them or smash them with your fist."
I did get to hold a hooded Hawk. The shop keeper wanted to remove the hood for me. I couldn't do it, not yet. This bird is very powerful and I have never had a bird of prey look directly into my eyes. He is a killing machine, his talons alone could rip apart my flesh. I decided let's keep the hood on until we get to know each other. I would love to train one of these beautiful creatures, but we opted for the parakeets for now. My dream now is to become an accomplished Falconer and get a job with Medieval Times when we return to the States. I think for now though I will start smaller. I am still trying to get the parakeet trained to sit on my finger and not run away as he attempts to land on my head.
In these photos is our new housekeeper/nanny, Miss Arcanja. She is from India and she is a gem!!!
Have a good weekend~
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Timmy's Birthday Celebration
Hello All! Timmy is now officially three. We had a party for him last weekend at a great indoor amusement park for kids, Magic Planet. Magic Planet is located at The Avenues Mall in Kuwait. It was a great family time. Watching the kids enjoy themselves is always fun.
We arrived at The Avenues early Friday morning to beat the rush. Most people are either sleeping in on Friday or at the Mosque. The Avenues Mall is beautiful. Before we enjoyed riding all the rides we stopped to see giant fish tank near the food court area. The food court has all the normal American eateries. Can you name the Restaurant in the fifth photo? This will be the first installment of name that American chain. Soon I will post another installment.
We are really enjoying Kuwait! True, we have yet to live through a summer in the Middle East. I am already preparing for the summer like we prepare for the winter back in Michigan. I find myself thinking up things that will keep us busy during the long HOT days.
This past week we have had a yucky upper respiratory bug going around. Four of the kids have had high fevers, sore throats, terrible coughs and runny noses. The girls are dying to get back to school each morning, but come afternoon their fever spikes and the coughing gets worse. I am hopeful that quickly they will be back on the bus, smiles on their faces trying to peek out the window to wave goodbye to me.