
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary~ 10 years

It's hard to believe that ten years ago, Kelly and I were married. It was a cold day in Michigan and we had quite a bit of snow on the ground. We were both so happy to be together, until death do us part. What a fabulous beginning!

I am so glad we are not newlyweds anymore. I love him so much more now! We are family now, we work as a team, we truly know each other. I never would have guessed on that cold day in East Lansing, that we would be living in Kuwait when we shared this anniversary. Kelly did tell me we would be living internationally at some point. I always assumed we would be in Africa doing some sort of medical mission work. Never the Middle East with my own Abaya!

I love you, Kelly! You have my undying respect. Thank you for giving me that pre-employment physical back in 1998. I praise God for bringing us together, the California dude with perfect English (HA!) and the small town Michigan gal who can at times speak through her nose : ) Our children will be such a mixture of Michigan, California, Missouri, and the world. Thank you for asking me to be your best friend, your cheerleader, the mother of your children, the lover of your soul and your travel companion! You are my hero, Kelly and you are will always be my one true love. Love you, Dude~