I cannot believe that eight years ago today my life changed forever. Grace was born at 9:00am in the morning after a long labor. She has been a joy since that first moment. I did not know true responsibility until I became a parent. That first night after her birth we both just lay awake staring at one another. I remember feeling so much excitement that I couldn't go to sleep, I couldn't take my eyes off her.
She has always been fun, sweet tempered and full of smiles for all. She loves to giggle, dream of having a pet kitten and to crack jokes. I cannot believe how mature she is getting and how funny. She has her father and me laughing out loud often. She understands many large anatomical concepts that most adults have no clue about. This may be because her parents both have medical training and have talked shop in front of her for years. She has also become an invaluable helper to me. She helps to play with the "twins" and she can entertain Hope when I have other things I need to accomplish. She is quite the "little Mommy".
I love you so much and so does you Daddy. Never question this for a moment! You are special because you are created in God's image. You are a beautiful girl on the inside and the outside. I am so glad God blessed our family with you! You are the best snuggler and giggler. You love God so much. I am amazed at your questions about God. He has blessed you with faith. You have such a sweet heart and you think of others before yourself often.
I feel like I am still staring at you like our first night together, only now time is moving so much quicker. I wish I could go back to that first night sometimes, but alas time is a cruel master. I cannot go back, I can only treasure today. That is all we will ever have while living in time, the present. I feel like your time with me is moving faster and faster. I am suspended and you are running, to your first date, high school graduation, first real job, your wedding, the birth of your first child. I am able to watch, while you run through your young life. It is like I get to stop, Grace, to watch you live. I am still aging, but I am not concerned about me. I am only focused on you and your run. Always remember, sweet girl, as you run away from my arms, my home, and your family. I am behind you standing and watching. I am always cheering, praying, and hoping for the best. For now I am also in time, but I am so glad to know that someday we will spend eternity together as well. The running will stop. We will be free of time, praise God! Don't ever forget as you move forward in time to look back , I am always on the sidelines watching your run through time. Happy Birthday, sweetie pie, I love you so much!!!!!! Love and Hugs, Mommy
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9 :24