Sunday, March 30, 2008
Family movie night
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter ~ 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Thanks for the Fun Grandma and Granddad
Hello All! We had a fun afternoon today courtesy of Grandma and Granddad Briden. They had sent the kids gifts for Easter. They spent quite a bit of fun craft time decorating a large craft foam Easter egg with stickers and embellishments. They all placed the three crosses Grandma provided right next to each other. That was neat to see. I guess they already have the classic picture of the three crosses of Calvary in their mind.
I am excited to announce that Grandma and Granddad Briden will be moving back to Michigan for a few months this summer. We have such a good time with them. I can't wait till I can go over and just hang out for dinner. My mother-in-law is a great cook and she spoils me. She treats me like I am her daughter, they both do. My father-in-law spoils me as well, he is patient with "The Bunch" and such a loving , giving Granddad. I just can't wait to see them in July : ) Thanks for the fun Easter treats today Grandma and Granddad!!! We miss you and Love you so much!! XXXXXXOOOOOO Love,
The Bunch
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Hope learns to talk
Hello All! Well here is more video of Miss Hope. She is really talking and laughing. It is so much fun to watch them change so quickly. She is quite the sweet and pretty little girl. She laughed quite hard at Faith tonight. That made Faith work even harder for more laughs. Enjoy : )
Monday, March 17, 2008
Gracie the Sicko (Not a post for the weak of stomach )
Friday, March 14, 2008
Kenna, The World Traveler
Hello All! As I write this my sister in law (Kelly's sister), Kenna, is vacationing in Peru. She loves to travel and take on new adventures. I can admit I am slightly jealous of her : ) She has the freedom to travel at this stage in her life and I applaud her. I realize I am at a different stage in my life, so I get to live vicariously through her. I love hearing of her trips and seeing all the photos. This picture I posted is of Machu Picchu, Peru. She will be seeing this live and in living color. I don't really have a strong desire to see Peru necessarily, but there are places I do dream of visiting.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Girl Time : )

Monday, March 10, 2008
Water Parks and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Crystal has already posted about our trip, but I thought I might add my two cents.
Hello All! I have one parting story to share tonight before bed. Faith has added to our numbers as of late. I commonly say to the kids, " I love Daddy, Grace, Faith, Luke, Hope, I love our family." In the past couple weeks. Faith has tacked a new family member on the end of the current list. She says " Mommy, don't forget baby Joy, you want another baby." So now it has almost become a joke, baby Joy is with us everywhere and is being "made by God." No, this is not an announcement Grandma Briden, just a cute story : ) But, who knows maybe God has some Joy for us in store in the future : ) Have a great night!! Crystal
There's No Place Like Home
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Kelly!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Mama said there would be days like this
Hello All! Wow, it has been a hard day already and as I type this it is only nine in the morning. First, Mommy is sick. That is never a good thing. The house can be thrown into chaos when I go down with anything. Last night, Kelly was on call. He got called at two in the morning with the stupidest question. So, our sleep was broken first, due to that question. Normally not a big deal, but I need to rest to recuperate. Then after sleeping through the night for a week now, Hope woke up at 4 A.M. So I got her settled and back to sleep. I was just closing my eyes when I heard the alarm at 6:00. I felt like "Death warmed over". I knew though that I had to "suck it up" and get everyone going and off to school.
We all made it to the van and were backing out when trouble struck. The temperature had risen above freezing last night. In Kelly's last post he shared about this making everything ice and slush. As I was backing our Bus out of the garage, I had to make a correction and drive forward to avoid backing in to some of our landscaping. Well, that did it, after that I was stuck trying to propel the big bus forward. Keep in mind I have everyone ready for school and the wheels are spinning, making the ice underneath worse. I try to rock it by going in reverse and then turning the wheels hard in another direction while going forward. No such luck!!! SO there I am stuck, wishing I could have went back to sleep today to rest my germ ridden body. I pray" God help me." Than a thought pops into my head. Our sweet neighbors next door may be home. In the next instant I see our neighbor, Larry, backing out of his driveway. I jump from the Van nearly slipping and falling on my backside. I wave him over and He offers to take the girls to school. What a God send!!!! He was so helpful and selfless. He knew what I needed and offered it immediately. So the girls were off to school but, I was still stuck.
I called Kel and he tells me to use the Ice-Melt salt around the rear tires and it should help you get traction. I let the Ice- Melt set for about one hour than I try again. At first, I am thinking my predicament has not improved. I of course am praying the whole time. Finally after using my rocking technique I get up enough momentum to pull forward into the garage. Praise God I am free : ) Most importantly the kids got to school. Grace was crying so hard about missing school. Her class was scheduled to sing at a local nursing home this morning and she loves to sing. Faith also didn't miss making a paper mache Dinosaur Egg in pre-school. I felt like this morning I "couldn't win for losing." But, God still provided and was faithful even when I was discouraged and powerless to do anything.
I have posted some pictures of the kids making a snow Mommy and baby. Daddy played with them outside yeasterday for about two hours. No, not Hope, she was outside for about 20 minutes only.I am so thankful for Kel, he is a GREAT Daddy!!!! I also included a picture of an Opossum that was eating under our bird feeder yesterday afternoon. He was so much fun for the kids to watch. I can't stand them though. They are big and creepy. Not cute and cuddley like they are portrayed in children's books.
How do you like the new Blog design? I love it!!! I had Nikki make it for me. You can check out her blog at Well, I have a little girl crying to have a drink : ) Love, Crystal