Hello All! I hope you are all enjoying spring as much as we are. We have spent so much time outside lately that I have almost forgotten the long, cold days of winter. As I reflect on Mother's Day this weekend I am humbled by the fact that I have all I have ever wanted and prayed for, a loving and gracious husband, four great kids and miles of sandy beach behind my house. I am honored to be a " Mommy" and I thank God for each child he has placed in my care. But, I have those days. Days when I think I am failing them, days when I question how we are raising our kids and what we need to change, and days when out of discouragement I feel like I am the only mother who lashes out in anger and impatience. Today I had my DEAR friend Cathy to share with and I thank God for her encouragement and the lovely bouquet of tulips she cut from her garden for me. As Christians we are made for community with fellow Christians. Community with other Christians gives us encouragement, accountability, love and connection on a deeper level. I thank God for Cathy and her family. Our lives are similar in many ways. She is just such a blessing to me! Today she was a true friend to me and for that connection I thank God!! Cathy, thank you for your love and the beautiful tulips. You have touched my heart and lifted my spirit. We stay at home mother's need this connection as at times you can feel so isolated. I thank God I have this connection and closeness with Cathy. Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there in blogger land, and especially Cathy : ) You are a God send and a GREAT MOMMY : ) Please enjoy all the pictures of my four cuties, they in all their splendor are my pride and joy. The picture of Faith is destined to be a classic. I have a photo of her taken minutes after birth with the same expression. Can't you just feel her pain : ) So please take a minute and peek at the fruits of my labor, my kids. Love, Crystal