Hello All! This past weekend was a weekend of fun celebrations for our family. My dad, Grandpa B, retired in April. In celebration of this momentous occasion, we all met in Traverse City (Yes, my favorite Place). My dad, his wife, Brenda, and all my siblings were together again. It was a great time!!! My siblings and I had not all been together for over a year. That made it a special treat!! My dad's wife, Brenda, came up with the idea and we are sure glad she thought of this as a way to celebrate.
We took my dad to his favorite restaurant in the T.C. area, Boone's Long Lake Inn.
The Prime Rib at Boone's melts in your mouth!!!! Happy Retirement to you, Grandpa B!! We love you and I thank God that he gave me you as my Dad! Thanks for always providing and working hard for our family. So here are some pictures we took while in T.C. of the family. The Briden Bunch, Grandpa B with his Grand kids, My dad and his four kids, And the whole family. From left to right starting at the back- Rick, Jeff, Luke, Kelly, Crystal, Heather, Brenda, Dad. Next row, Kristin, Matthew, Joshua, Hope. And the front row Grace and Faith. We love you all and we really enjoyed our time celebrating with you!!!!! All our Love and hugs- Crystal for the Bunch