
Friday, March 5, 2010

Guess who just turned the big 4-0

Happy Birthday, Kelly!! My husband is now officially over the hill. Kelly is 40, wow we are getting older! When we met we were in our 20's. It feels like time is moving faster with each year that we age.
Kelly, you are my "knight in shining armor", my better half and the love of my life : ) I am so glad God made you!! We fit very well together as man and wife. Where you are very laid back, I am a little more tightly wound. We compliment each other on so many levels. You are such a special father, I am so impressed with the grace and love you show our children. They will form their image of God from your example. You are the kind of father that reflects Jesus' love to them. I praise God for you, Kelly!! Thank you for choosing me, thank you for being a man of honor and thanks for always being able to make me laugh out loud. Happy Birthday and may God continue to bless you in the years to come. With all my love and respect~