This is an interesting post for me to write. The photo I attached to this post shows a peaceful morning on the Arabian Gulf. The photo represents the peace I have inside as I learn more and more why God has placed me here.
On one hand I want to share everything I am seeing in Kuwait and my perspective of it, but on the other hand I want to be careful to remember that we are guests in their country and here as diplomats.
Wikipedia defines the role of a diplomat as this, "The main functions of diplomats revolve around the representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending state, as well as the promotion of information and friendly relations."
I have chosen with my blog to be as truthfully kind as possible to the people of each country we will call home for each posting. That is just me, the true me that God has called me to be. I love many blogs and many other perspectives, but on my blog I will stick primarily to the positive in the interest of keeping up our "friendly relations" with the Kuwaitis. We appreciate them hosting us in this country rich with beautiful traditions and culture.
This past Thursday was an awakening for me. I came to a point where I had to say irregardless of what the people of Kuwait do or say I have got to be me. God has put me here for a purpose and I believe it is to show his love to the Kuwaitis and all the world for that matter. How I show love, I realize now, is quite different from many other cultures. In my culture we greet one another with a smile and a "hello" or a "hi". In my culture we wait in line to show respect for others and their needs. In my culture we (at least the majority of the culture) try to drive with respect, and we take other people's lives into account while driving. In my culture we bring treats to neighbors when they move in next door. In my culture we value pedestrians crossing the street and we stop for them to cross safely. In my culture we say "excuse me" when we run into someone in the super market isle. In my culture we look at all people as created by God and treat them accordingly.
I will admit since moving here I have gotten quite used to the prevalent culture here. I have become a curb taking fast driving mama who can push herself to the front of any group to get my needs met. I found myself not smiling at people or saying "hello", because it is not very common for that to happen to me. I found myself just trying to blend in, like that is at all possible with three blondies and two black sons. People stare at me, all the time and I found myself acting like they do towards me. Some in the dominant culture here can have an attitude of superiority toward other races, religions and creeds. At first this bothered me, but now I realize I must not let them or this place change me in a negative way. I must "be me" and be kind and show love irregardless of the response. I must "love my neighbor as myself" (Matthew 22:39), just as Jesus called me to do.
I have started to once again say "A Salaam Alakum" to all those I see. I even smile nicely, sometimes I am rebuffed, sometimes people light up and respond in kind. God has revealed to me that I have "gotta be me", the person he has created me to be. I am only accountable to Him. The people here may never like me, but I am here for a purpose. I will not hurt our friendly relations and I will "be me" by loving the Kuwaitis. I will be changed when our time here is done. I will "be me" and push through the awkwardness and try to show love to all I meet here in Kuwait. I am planning on starting this week. The kids and I will make cookies and bring them to our neighbors. Does love get any deeper than chocolate chip cookies?