Hello All! I wanted to post some pictures of Easter Day. The kids hunted for their Easter Baskets before church. They loved finding them and of course the candy : ) We took the family picture before church as well. It turned out quite well and it only took 15 tries.

I also wanted to include pictures taken at the Meijer Gardens butterfly exhibit on Monday. Grace's preschool class took a field trip to the Meijer Gardens. It was fun and the kids loved the butterflies. I went along with Faith and Luke as well. The Meijer Gardens has a neat outdoor children's garden and pl
ay area. We did make it outside, but everyone had hats and coats on as it was so cold. Not really a perfect day for a stroll through the garden. We moved quick through the garden, but it was fun all the same. I even had a chance to take a picture of a clearwing butterfly. See if you can spot it as it is nearly totally see through. Have a good night!!!! Love, Crystal