Wednesday, January 30, 2008
New Blog Template
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Entertaining # 2
Here are the kids "Entertaining" Hope with their cool dance moves. Love you all!! Crystal
Entertaining Hope
Hello All! This is a video of the kids "Entertaining" Hope. They love to teach her and show her new things : ) Which is especially nice while I make dinner. Love, Crystal
Friday, January 25, 2008
Family Movie Night
Hello All! We have a new tradition we are starting. It is "Family Movie Night". We all watch a movie together and have a snack. The kids get their pillows and blankets and lay on the family room floor. Tonight we watched Milo and Otis. It is a cute show and young family friendly. The kids look forward now to this special night as it has become rare for us to watch television at night during the school week.
Grace of course loved the movie as it has cats and kittens in it. She loves all things cats : ) Luke liked that there was a waterfall in the movie. Faith loved the action as she is a women of action.
On a side note, Kelly and girls went to the Symphony today. The girls school went to a local children's symphony for a field trip. They dressed in pretty dresses and got to ride the school bus to a large auditorium were the program was performed.
The girls loved going with Daddy, he is a great date : ) But all three got car sick(or bus sick) as they were in the back of the bus for the ride. Altogether they loved it. Have a great weekend!! Love, Crystal
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Snow Bound
We have a guy who plows our driveway when we get more than two inches of snow. He plows the excess snow over into our front yard. Here is a picture of our snow mound. Honestly I wish you could all see it. The pictures don't do it justice. It has become it's own sled hill.
Our driveway, notice the snow walls on the sides.
This is our side entrance into our family room. Our weather is supposed to warm up. 30 degrees would feel down right balmy right now : ) Have a good night!! Love, Crystal
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Fun in the Snow
Hello All! Yesterday we had a great time in the snow. The kids did great and stayed out for about 45 - 60 minutes. Grace stayed out the longest and was swinging on the swing set for about 15 minutes after the other two headed for the hot cocoa.
Notice how the snow is so deep it is up to Faith's knees. Grace is ready to throw some snow at Mommy. Luke is making a snow angel.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Lake Effect
Friday, January 18, 2008
First Smiles

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Addy's Hope
Hello All! I hope you are doing great today! I am posting with a prayer request regarding my friend HollyAnn and her husband John. HollyAnn and John are the founders and directors of Addy's Hope Adoption and Child Relief Ministry ( . HollyAnn and I became friends on a Yahoo group back when we had just started the process to adopt from Sierra Leone in 2004. She and her husband felt called of God to open their own agency through this process and they have been blessed by their obedience to God in this area. She and John leave for Liberia on the 19th, this Saturday. They are going in the official capacity as the Directors, but also as adoptive parents themselves. Please pray for them that all will go smoothly for them and the other families traveling to bring children home. HollyAnn and John have an amazing testimony as far as what prompted them to open Addy's Hope. Please read about it on their website. Please pray for God to be glorified through them, and all involved with Addy's Hope. Please also pray for their kids at home without Mommy or Daddy. God Bless you HollyAnn and John, you are such an encouragement to us!!! You are in our prayers!! Love, Crystal
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Voted : )
Hello All! Today is our primary in Michigan and I voted today. We will see the outcome as far as the Republicans are concerned. The only democrat front runner on the ballot was Hillary. This is because we as a state moved our primary date up and both the national parties are penalizing us. Our state has been stripped of all our democratic delegates and half the our republican delegates as far as the parties national conventions. Sort of frustrating as a voter, but I voted all the same. One of my observations at our local polling place, I was the only person in the room under 60 years old : )
Here are some recent pictures of our family and most especially HOPE. I know my mother and father-in-law are probably excited to see her changes over just a few short weeks. She is getting so big and her face looks so much more "Chunky". I suppose this is one of the only times in life a girl can be called "Chunky" and not get offended. She is just looking so much more filled in as she adds on all that good fat. She is smiling now and loves her big brother and sisters. She smiles at them regularly, as well as her Daddy. For Mommy she commonly has squawks as she mostly associates me with food and is wondering when her next meal will come. I have also included some pictures of our family on our most recent sledding trip. H
ope did sled down the hill with mommy for her first sled run. She was very bundled and sat in her car seat most of the time. I think she was the warmest of us all.
Sledding is always one of our families favorite times. The kids love it and never complain about huffing it up the hill over and over. They know we will not carry them. When they are tired they can rest at the top of the hill. When we are all done with the great outdoor exercise we all get to enjoy hot cocoa and cookies. The snow just keeps falling here today. So most likely more sledding pictures to come soon : ) Love, Crystal