Hello All! Today was our first full day in the beauty of New Mexico. What fun we had. We arrived last evening. When our heads finally hit the pillow it was about 2:00am Michigan time. YIKES! The flights went so well. Grace, Faith and Luke are exceptional travelers. Regardless we were glad to land in Albuquerque!
Today we spent time in Old Town Albuquerque. We had a wonderful lunch at a local Mexican restaurant. The kids all played outside in the center of town with there special cousin Madeleine. Madeleine is 3 months younger than Grace and she is a sweetheart. Needless to say the kids all had fun just running, jumping and playing together.
After lunch we headed to the Petroglyphs National Monument. We had a great time. The kids hiked the different pathways. Kelly and his sister, Kristi, even climbed quite a ways up the rocks with the three little girls. All the girls loved climbing. I was very impressed with their spunk and strength. The area that they were climbing is technically not supposed to be climbed. It is off the trail. I watched as Kelly, Kristi and the girls climbed. When Kristi had to leave to pick up our oldest niece, Valerie, from school, I thought I would step in to help. So I climbed up for about 5 minutes and I heard " Please Do not climb on the Rocks". I got us busted! The Park Ranger was on the bullhorn from his truck making sure we made a hasty descent. Needless to say i will not climb out of bounds again : ) The last picture i posted was of me, Kelly and the kids making our quick retreat. More to come from the Land of Enchantment. Love you all- Cryst