Hello All! Today my sweetheart, Faith turns five. It is hard to believe that five years ago I was holding all 8 pounds 13 oz. of her wrapped in a pink baby blanket with matching pink beanie on her perfectly shaped head. She has been a joy from the beginning, she is a natural encourager. Not a day goes by that she doesn't tell me that I am a good Mommy. She loves the color green, cats, all kinds of fruit, polly
pockets, dancing, singing, and even coffee. God willing Faith will do great things for Him. She has a way of asserting herself and she doesn't take much from anyone. Let me put it this way, I don't worry often about her being bullied. She is tough, but tender; a "tom boy", yet she loves to wear dresses any chance she can. She is just plain fun and funny. Happy Birthday my Sweet Fay Mae, we love you soooooooo much!!!!! Happy Birthday as well to Uncle Rick, he and Faith share this special day. Have a good day little brother : )
PS~ No Visa yet for Timothy. Please keep us in your prayers. We know God is in control and working. His timing is perfect. For now we wait as God once again teaches me patience and delayed gratification: ) ( I thought I learned that lesson, I guess not : )