
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Snow and Slurpees

Hello All! I am sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I can't imagine what I have been doing with my time! Yesterday was a great day to play in the snow. During Luke's nap time the girl's and I went out in the snow and played in 20 degree temperatures for over an hour. This is a great example of how adequate clothing when it is below freezing works. Before I hear from my-in-laws on how Luke is missing out. In my defense, Luke can usually barely make it twenty minutes outside and he is crying because he truly does get cold quicker. I knew the girls would enjoy much longer than that. Luke has had and will have many snow opportunities. So when Daddy is home, Luke gets his turn. It actually takes longer to get him dressed in his snow garb than the time he spends in the snow. So back to the Briden ladies snow time. Both Grace and Faith loved it. They were swinging on the swing set, making many snow angels and throwing "snow balls" at each other and of course mommy dearest. I say "snow balls" loosely because it was snow and sometimes it formed a ball. Often though it was a snow sprinkling. The snow yesterday was not good for packing. But they love to throw snow, so who wants to disappoint them. Faith kept saying as she threw the snow, " It's the first day of summer." I looked around the first time and said "do we have snow in summer?" Grace just kept giggling, which encourages our little comedian Faith. Faith just kept right on welcoming summer. Who knows maybe summer is right around the corner in February, but I doubt it. After we picked Grace up from Pre-school, we partook in a time honored Michigan tradition. The Slurpee. We get a Slurpee commonly from the 7-11 up the road. Not just in summer, but when it is twenty degrees with a wind chill of five as well. I can remember more winter Slurpee runs in high school than anything else. So today's flavor was purple cream. The kids love them and they have learned while drinking them in the car in subfreezing temperatures it is always best to rotate hands. First you hold the Slurpee with one hand then when you can't feel it anymore rotate hands and allow hand number one to warm up while hand number two freezes. It is just one of those many things you learn quick before frost bite sets in. So next time you enjoy a Slurpee please think of us. All my Love- Crystal