Hello All! Today was Kelly's flag ceremony. If you follow me only via our blog than you may not know , but the flag we received was the flag of Kuwait. Those of you who are my friends on Facebook, this is not news to you. But for all of the blogospehere here is the official announcement. Our home for the next couple years will be Kuwait City. We are so excited to see our new home, meet all the Americans we will be in a close community with and to see the Kuwait towers. I have attached a map of the Persian Gulf countries. Kuwait is a small country bordering Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the Persian Gulf.
The second photo is of a large landmark in Kuwait. The Kuwait Towers. They are large water towers in Kuwait City.
Please come and visit, we would love to have you! Washington D.C. has a direct flight from Dulles. For now we learn all we can about our new home and prepare our big move. Cheers~