
Monday, February 5, 2007

Four Seasons

Hello All! Well as I write this today we are still under a winter blast. The kids are doing great considering we have been inside for basically three days straight! We did escape bundled up and very carefully yesterday. We went to shop at Sam's Club. We couldn't stand it anymore. We had to just see past our street. Plus we knew it wouldn't be very busy. So the kids walked the aisles and burnt some energy. The roads were bad and the gusting winds made for white out conditions here and there. I am always at ease though with Kelly driving. Rarely does he get rattled while driving. So the Briden kids got to enjoy lunch courtesy of Sam's Club. Pizza, Egg rolls and crackers and dip. the perfect cuisine for a snow day. Let me just say those who have not had one quick meal of appetizers at Sam's Club have not lived. Still today I am dreaming of warmer times. So I posted this picture to remind myself it does get warm in Michigan and God willing it will be July again. I am not complaining about winter. I love the seasons. But the temperature was one degree on my outdoor thermometer this weekend and that did not include the wind chill. The kids cannot play outside in this for fear of frostbite. So I think I have a right to dream of warmer weather. Maybe I don't want 70 degrees, I would be jut thrilled to reach 30 degrees. Look at this picture though we are on the ferry boat to Mackinac Island, I think we are even sweating. For now we wait and relish our time of board games by the fire with hot cocoa. God is so good to create the seasons. It amazes me to think that at this moment the Island called Mackinac is a virtual ghost town. Only the tough, true residents are there now. It is frozen and isolated. But come May it springs to life. The beauty in both seasons is something to be an awe of. I am glad God didn't stop with summer. It is from the winter new life springs. I believe to truly appreciate summer you must have winter. God has set it all up to my amazement. It is today that I thank God for a warm home and enough food for armies, again courtesy of Sam's Club. I pray God blesses you today, no matter the weather. For now I will praise him for the winter, the summer and and my life to experience both. Blessings- Crystal