Hello All! Well tomorrow is a big for Kelly and I. Tomorrow we leave for a weekend away to celebrate our seventh anniversary on the 19th. Our children have not been without us both this long in a long while. It was back before we had three and maybe back before we had two even. So it is a much needed break! Last year we tried to stay one night away, but it was not meant to be. We had a huge ice storm that weekend, lost power and the kids all had an upper respiratory infection of some sort. My mother ended up driving about 3 1/2 hours from the other side of the state to watch the Briden bunch. It ended she helped me out as Kelly got sick with a stomach bug that same weekend. I had prayed for months about that trip. As I have for this trip. My sister, Heather, is coming over from Midland to watch our trio. She is a great aunt to them, they will have a blast. Kelly and I are headed to one of my favorite spots on God's green earth, Traverse City, Michigan. Traverse City is north of us, still in the lower peninsula. We will be touring wineries and we have a fun trip planned through the Leelanau Peninsula Vintners Association, a snowshoe stomp. We get to hik
e through the vineyards for about two miles on snowshoes. It should be fun!! Traverse City is located on two large lake Michigan bays facing north. It has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. We are thrilled to be going, but please pray for the kiddos and Aunt Heather. I will let you know how it all turns out : ) If you want to check out the organization we are going to be touring with go to http://www.lpwines.com/ Love, Crystal