
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I am so happy it is March

Hello All! I am so glad it is March, I am prepared for the Lion but really praying for the lamb to arrive quickly. We have felt pretty cooped up recently with illness sweeping through the house. Add in sub-freezing temperatures to our condition and we all need some time outside of the house (preferably in warm weather). We have been organizing our basement like crazy. It needed it so bad!! It is amazing the things you hoard after years of collecting. We are making a clean sweep and getting rid of many things we don't need anymore.

Luke turned four on us on the 23rd! I have told him he can have NO more birthdays as he is getting to old, but he does not agree with me. He is growing into a sweet little man. He is truly a big helper to me daily. I would have it much harder with the two "twins" without my helper boy. He is always there for me to grab baby wipes, set the table for a meal or play with the "babies". He had a Batman party for his birthday and he got a Spider man scooter. He has loved riding it in circles in the basement. The girls are constantly asking him to use it, so it looks like we will be searching garage sales this spring for scooters for the big girls as well.

Grace and Faith are both in Girl Scouts this year. They are "Daisies" and have really enjoyed it!! They just had a pinning ceremony a few weeks ago. They are best friends and are enjoying learning about composting and helping others. Currently they are both selling cookies, YUM! If you need any Do-Si-Dos, Thin Mints or Samoas give us a call : ) The rest of the pictures are from a morning recently. The days go quick, don't they? We truly thank God for the five kids he is allowing us to raise!! We have had a blessed winter. God has protected us from illness for most of the winter. Hope's photo at the end of this post expressed my frustration last week when we tested positive for strep throat. WAH!!! I try to focus on the positive and not be a "cry baby", but please God don't let spring be far away!!!!

Timmy's photo for his citizenship application sent into USCIS. He is now official as far as Michigan is concerned!! He is officially Timothy Briden, YAHOO!!! Now we wait for Detroit to get their job done. They have six months to get the job done. Please pray for it to move quickly, Thanks!
