
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quotes of late from "The Bunch"

Faith to Daddy: "In my brain I am thinking about Great Grandpa Green and Mommy's Grandma B in Heaven."
Daddy: "What are you thinking about?"

Faith: "I wonder what they're wearing in Heaven."

Daddy: "The Bible says the people in Heaven wear robes."

Faith: "So do I have to bring my robe when I go to Heaven?"

Grace interjected: "No you came into the world with nothing and you will leave with nothing."

Daddy: "O.K., no more talking go to sleep : )"

Luke: when asked what his favorite thing in his home is " Mommy, cause you love me."

Hope: "Uh, Oh" and "Ball"

Timmy: "Ball" and "Oh, My"

Mommy: "Do we have to participate in Daylight Savings time?"
I will try to do this with funny and cute quotes again soon : ) Blessings to you~Crystal