
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Quotes

Hello All! Here are some more funny quotes from today.

This morning I drove the whole bunch to school.

Faith: Mom, I loved that yogurt, thanks for making it for breakfast! I ate two whole bowls of it.

Mommy: Your welcome sweetie, I am so glad you ate it! Yogurt is very good for you and a great choice for breakfast.

Faith: I am so healthy now Mom, now you don't ever need to give me shots again!!!!!

Poor Faith, if only Polio could be prevented by eating one Yo plait yogurt!! The Third World would thank us : )

After the ride to school Luke sat on my lap to snuggle while I drank my morning coffee.

Luke: Mom, I don't like cows!

Mommy: Really, why?

Luke: Because they always MOOO at me!

Mommy: When has a cow moooed at you?

Luke: Never

Mommy: Oh, O.K........

Who knew the guy had such an extreme dislike of cows. He never would have made it in Missouri . We lived surrounded by hundreds of acres Beef cattle!

The picture is of the back of my head after Luke and Faith did my hair. They are really enjoying playing "Beauty Salon". Mommy is always ready for them to brush my hair : ) They were so thrilled with their "hair do" that they couldn't understand why later that afternoon I took them all out to go to Wal-Mart. I love those kids!!! Have a good night~ Crystal