Hello All! Well it was 43 degrees and sunny today. I am sure you have guessed from the title of this post that after dinner we went off to the playground. Our county has so many large pieces of playground equipment at various parks, we love it!! Grace, Faith and Luke all loved one particular slide. SO I took pictures of all of them sliding down in their position

We are off to New Mexico on Thursday for a spring vacation. Kelly's parents, both sisters and our two only sweet nieces live in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. We will be having a small family reunion as Kelly's brother, sister in law and their four boys will be visiting as well. A special treat is even some our family from California is going to be visiting as well. I am sure there will be many fun memories and a great deal of laughing. I may be able to post to my blog from Albuquerque. So stay tuned for fun family pictures from New Mexico. Please pray for travel safety for us, Thanks!! Have a great night!! Love, Crystal