Hello All! Well tonight was arts and crafts time in the Briden family. The kids love to create and especially paint!! Grace and Faith had picked out little wooden boxes at our local craft store. This was Kelly's great idea for them to create a jewelery box. I am surprised at how much jewelery they can accumulate under the age of six. Just in case you didn't realize girls are drawn to things that sparkle : )
This evening was time for the creative paint to flow. Grace and Faith painted their boxes with their favo
rite colors. For Faith the best color is green. Grace loves everything blue. Luke has been told by his sisters that his favorite color is red. He has not really made this decision on his own you must understand. But now if you ask him what color he would like of something (ie. what color balloon would you like, Luke?) he will say "red". I think it is sweet because the girls really think now this is his favorite color. Luke just wants to please them so he knows the correct answer is red : ) So all three had the appropriate color for their masterpieces. I have included
some cute pictures of my little Monets. Enjoy!! Love, Crystal