Hello All! This morning I am thinking about my favorite beverage. COFFEE. It could be because I am sitting holding a steaming cup as I type this. For those of you who don't know, I love coffee. It has seen me through many mornings of parenting. It has helped me to clear my head of the "I was up with the baby" lack of sleep haze. In the afternoon around nap time it is a pick me up to press on throughout the remainder of the day. I figure everyone has a vice. I choose coffee. My husband can't believe how the stuff actually relaxes a slightly Germanic anxious by nature Northerner. But it does, so me and coffee in all forms are best friends. All this to say I have been doing research for an unofficial taste test. I have been sampling coffee locally, primarily for research, and determining who has the best "cup a joe". The results may surprise you. I have sampled Wendy's, Burger King, McDonalds, Star Bucks, two local coffee shops- Great Lakes Java and Java Jack's, coffee at our church and ground coffee purchased from grocery stores. So here are my results. McDonalds regular coffee is consistently the best!!!! Star Bucks is strongest in the coffee specialty drinks, ie. Mocha Latte, etc. I can't drink the coffee specialty drinks too often. I am trying to watch my figure and some of those can have 400 calories in one cup.
YIKES! So I decided to try regular coffee at each of these fine establishments. Star Bucks regular coffee consistently tastes burned, as does Burger King, Wendy's and Java Jack's. Great Lakes Java has good coffee, but it can also change day to day. McDonalds is consistently not burned, not too strong and is hot. Cold coffee unless iced should not be tolerated. : ) So imagine my surprise yesterday as I listened to the radio and heard Consumer Reports had found the same thing regarding coffee and the "Golden Arches". Consumer Reports did some research as well. They found even money aside that a plain cup of coffee from McDonalds was the best. It is so good to know I am not alone in my research. I am not just one stay at home mom with a vice. I am a scientist. Lastly,our coffee at church is just wrong! Can't somebody find a way to make good coffee and church go together? Now, go have a cup of COFFEE! Love, Crystal